Monday 7 May 2012

Guess The Three Ingredients


  1. Mango, sugar, and probably a bit of milk?

  2. In this Guess Three Ingredients:
    1) Mango,
    2) Sugar &
    3) Probably.

  3. I think there's something green in there.

  4. 1. Kiwi
    2. Egg
    3. Orange juice

  5. Orange juice, banana, and pineapple. That sounds good, even if it's not right. I always thought a mango tasted like a pine tree.

    My daughter mixed up bananas, pineapple, and coconut milk last night; it was delicious.

    1. Mango does have a weird taste and all hard and slimy...but nice :) That sounds lovely.

    2. I eat mango's peeled, cut up in to pieces and sprinkled with salt & pepper. They grow wild in Hawaii. My nearest grocery store sells mango's (mangoes?) from Mexico and they aren't the same as the ones in Hawaii.

    3. I can understand the salt and pepper thing, it's almost in between a fruit & a veg. My mum sugars cucumber *yuch*

  6. Orange juice, lime zest and Vodka.

    1. There orange juice is there...kinda wish I had tried your recipe :)

  7. Replies
    1. That sounds incredibly healthy...I can drink most vegetable juice except for beetroot *hurl*

  8. Too many, orange and and 1 mystery "vegetable"

  9. Do you give up? :) NETTLES...NUTRIENTS — Nettles have enormous amounts of Calcium. They actually have more Calcium than anything else - 500 g of Stinging Nettles have 2405,0 mg Calcium (200%) and 1 kg Nettles has almost 5000 mg Ca, while 1 kg cow's milk, which many people rely on for Ca, has only about 1000 mg Ca.

    Nutritional value per 100 g:

    Calcium - 481,0 mg (40%);
    Vitamin K - 498,6 μg (554%);
    Iron - 1,6 mg (21%);
    Magnesium - 57,0 mg (18%);
    Potassium - 334,0 mg (7%);
    Riboflavin (B2) - 0,2 mg (15%);
    B6 - 0,1 (7%);
    Vitamin A - 336,3 IU (14%);
    Copper - 0,1 mg (8%).

    They also contain Zinc, Silica, Selenium, Niacin, Folate, as well as vitamins C, D and E, and flavanoids, chlorophyll, etc.

    They are great for treating depression, as they contain serotonin, and they can also be used to treat vitamin K, Calcium and Iron deficiencies, due to their high content in vitamin K, Calcium and Iron.

  10. So... what do nettles taste like? No wonder you were tacoing your nettles recently ;)

    1. I didn't taste anything, was too scared to eat them straight from the plant. The other flavours hid all ;)

  11. 3.5 cups of milk a day give you the minimum daily requirements for dietary calcium if that was your exclusive dietary calcium source...That's 28 ounces of milk...0.79 kilograms not 1 kilogram.

    Typically, Americans get just above the RDA from milk, supplemented with breakfast cereals and the rest of their diets.

    "500 g of Stinging Nettles have 2405,0 mg Calcium (200%) and 1 kg Nettles has almost 5000 mg Ca"

    In terms of long-term daily nutritional Calcium intake, this is unbelievably excessive. Excess nutritional Calcium intake that the body just can't simply use ends up flushed through the kidneys, where high concentrations can occur and Calcium oxalate crystals form...Kidney stones.

    And God help you when one of these sharp little things gets dislodged and decides to scrape it's way down your urinary tract...The pain is excruciating.

    Or worse...The stone gets stuck part of the way down the urinal tract, blocking urine flow, and you get stuck with a nice expensive medical procedure to dislodge it.

    I understand that women get concerned about the future possibility of osteoporosis, but doubling/tripling/quadrupling daily USDA MDR dietary calcium intake doesn't prevent osteoporosis...It just creates more medical problems.

    1. I don't think nettles will become a daily thing for me so don't have to worry too much. I'm vegan and was happy at this "super veg" I stay clear of milk for a few reasons, one of them being milk is acidic and actually deteriorates bone.

    2. Really Joanne?

      would you please link to some proof?

      Everything I'm reading says "only slightly.. so sightly it's not even always considered acidic"

    3. Biff there are as many reports for milk as there are against it, so who knows. One of the arguments was "Why, in Western countries that consume the most dairy foods, are rates of osteoporotic fractures among the highest in the world?"

  12. Put Nettles in any herbal tea for the wonderful benefits.

    1. Willow, I'm trying to add it to more of my meals, I tried some nettle soup, too.
